General Terms for Directory Listing

  • Making application for listing is not an assurance of acceptance of application.
  • After listing fee has been received, the business owner’s kit is dispatched to the address provided during payment process.
  • The data is added to the directory cyclically, currently twice / month – on 10th and 25th
  • Your profile displays your name, location and the business activity you’re engaged in. Any contact details included on / in the media (photos, gif images, videos) may either be rejected or if published, it (the contact details), remains there on your own risk. Naitik does not take any responsibility whatsoever for any spam call / phishing etc. arising thereafter.
  • Naitik directory lists the business owner and not the business entity
  • Supporting KYC documents and clear face photo are “required” while you submit the application.
  • In certain cases, there may be need for verification of data. Applicant are deemed to have given consent for personal visit by Naitik executives for such verification. There may be minor (actual) additional visit charges.
  • All applicants agree to learn and follow the 10-point Code of Ethics for Naitik (ethical) business as listed below on this page.
  • Rating & Contact submissions – Listed business owners please note that Naitik does not maintain database of rating and direct contacts that they receive from logged in buey community members; nor are we (everyone in Naitik) accountable in any manner for such entries. Responding to any such submission is onus (responsibility) of the concerned business owner herslef/himself.
  • Naitik reserves rights to – (a) revise listing and renewal fee; (b) process feedback from buyers and if required to delist an entry.
  • Please note the four kinds of listing ststus that appears on the NBO profile
    • ACTIVE – Currently active and compliant with the Naitik Code for ethical business
    • ON HOLD – Subscription decision pending either from Naitik side or from MBO side (renewal due, grace period given, etc).
    • INACTIVE – Subscription ended, and the listing shall be removed soon from directory.
    • -DEBARRED- – NBO has been found indulging in unfair business practices; hence s/he can no more be listed on Naitik, and the buyer community is advised not to engage with this listing.
  • Addons like visiting cards and emblem can be purchased separately.
  • CSR: Renewal waiver for up to 10% subscribers every year (by lottery system)
  • Please review also the website usage & privacy policies
  • Please visit this section for updated terms.

FAQ Answered

Business Onwers’ FAQ

Naitik sign-up is helpful in a number of ways –

  • Online offline communities for refining our understanding of the ten foundations for ethical business
  • 5 copies of Naitik buyers’ handbook (कष्ट कस्टमर्स के) and one copy of Addwit Vyavsaay Upanishad
  • Networking and collaboration
  • Certification
  • Confidence to shape-up business in right direction
  • Natural confidence that customers have on a Naitik (ETHICAL) business/service provider

Naitik Marketplace is a place the certified Naitik partners to showcase and sell your products and services. The basic difference between Naitik Directory and Naitik Marketplace –

Naitik DirectoryNaitik Marketplace
Customers can find youCustomers can find you as well as the products / services offered by you. They can place orders / book appointments with you. Hence, if your business is too small to afford have an independent website / presence on Internet, then, the Naitik is your home.

It is not impossible. Please set up a meeting by sending an email to to discuss further.

  1. He / She will earn his/her own Karma. Naitik provides the framework for ethical + prospering business, support for understanding and implementing this framework, support for scaling up; but we cannot (and will not) do the micro-management of person’s behavior. Till such awareness and support was not available, unintentional unethical conduct could have been forgivable; but if someone commits to unethical practices even with these awareness and support, then, it is his / her own decision and own Karma. Nothing is non-consequential.
  2. Buyer Feedback System: If any business owner gets negative feedback from buyers/customers, then, there will be a process to give up to three warnings to the business owner so that he / she can correct himself / herself. (This may appear on profile as “Under 2nd warning”). After the final warning, his / her name shall be removed from Directory and Marketplace; and or he/she will be placed on directory of black-listed business owners.
  3. That said, our observation is that by and large, people want to conduct business in fair manner. Only because there was no awareness or support to do so in viable way, they had been resorting to unethical practices – under ignorance or compulsion.
  4. Also, we need to consider the point that even if a business owner improves by 10%, buyers will start benefitting enormously. From being completely unethical (cheating, over-procing, selling duplicates and hazardous stuff, etc). to becoming 100% ethical is a gradual journey. The Naitik business owner support system is meant for this journey that business owners go through.

By and large YES. However, while using the features like Naitik market-place / product listing, each business / product has to be listed separately.

Yes, very much.

Certainly. Please download Naitik Ad Design (6*4) and Naitik Flyer (A5)(Hindi)

Buyer Community’s FAQ

Small sum is charged to ensure that no bots join in. This tiny transaction validates the real person. In return, you get the very informative handbook titled कष्ट कस्टमर्स के – the book that covers few basic questions, for example – (1) What are the ten fundamentals of Naitik business, and how does it help consumers, families and end-users (2) How does Naitik help business owners to gradually refine their business practices for becoming more ethical (because it takes gradual, persistent efforts to become truly ethical) (3) How should the consumers adjust their buying habits to become ethical buyers, why do they need to come forward and be active participants in Naitik economic environment

Also, you will get access to 100 of articles and news / videos informing you (and alerting you) about unethical practices in the market.

In addition, you will be able to view the directory of 1000s of small/medium business owners who are committed to conducting their business in ethical manner

  1. He / She will earn his/her own Karma. Naitik provides the framework for ethical + prospering business, support for understanding and implementing this framework, support for scaling up; but we cannot (and will not) do the micro-management of person’s behavior. Till such awareness and support was not available, unintentional unethical conduct could have been forgivable; but if someone commits to unethical practices even with these awareness and support, then, it is his / her own decision and own Karma. Nothing is non-consequential.
  2. Buyer Feedback System: If any business owner gets negative feedback from buyers/customers, then, there will be a process to give up to three warnings to the business owner so that he / she can correct himself / herself. (This may appear on profile as “Under 2nd warning”). After the final warning, his / her name shall be removed from Directory and Marketplace; and or he/she will be placed on directory of black-listed business owners.
  3. That said, our observation is that by and large, people want to conduct business in fair manner. Only because there was no awareness or support to do so in viable way, they had been resorting to unethical practices – under ignorance or compulsion.
  4. Also, we need to consider the point that even if a business owner improves by 10%, buyers will start benefitting enormously. From being completely unethical (cheating, over-procing, selling duplicates and hazardous stuff, etc). to becoming 100% ethical is a gradual journey. The Naitik business owner support system is meant for this journey that business owners go through.

Yes, definitely. We are working to roll out following features –

  1. Rating to listed entities for my locality
  2. Facility to express our demands for products/services
  3. Share your experience / anecdote of ethical / unethical practices in your locality
  4. Nominate a business owner you know

SUGGESTION: To know more about the ten foundations for ethical business, you may kindly buy Addwit Vyavsaay Upanishad from our partner publisher’s website

Yes, you can. There is an ‘aspiring business owner” category in the ‘listing’entity’ type.

Please send an email to or you may submit on contact page.


  • For any help, send an email to
  • Telephone conversation if required shall happen only to / from this number – +91 9920 9920 19
  • No other email / phone represent Naitik

Cancellation & Refunds

  • If for any reason the application has not been accepted, then 100% of the fees paid shall be refunded. In such cases, Naitik is not obliged to provide reason / explanation for non-acceptance of the application; or interest on the amount paid. In normal course, the decision to decline listing, if so, shall be communicated within seven days after application has been received at Naitik.
  • To cancel subscription after utilizing first year of listing, simply do not pay the renewal fees.
  • To cancel subscription in the first year, please send an email to within 21 days of signing up, with the reason to cancel . Naitik team will review the case and process cancellation. Refunds Statement shall be provided with details of amount refunded.
  • The cost of printed book/s already sent to you are non-refundable component.
  • The processing may take up to 10 working days and involves 3% case handling fees.
  • Refund is sent to the same account / instrument from where the initial payment was made.
  • The decision by Naitik HO shall be final.
  • These are the guidelines / policies meant ONLY for subscription for Naitik Buyer Community and Naitik Business Owners plans. The REFUND POLICY for items listed / transacted for on the Naitik SHOP page is listed separately.

Naitik Code for Ethical Business

Naitik Code for Ethical Business displayed below in Hindi and English, is the ‘methodology’ all the listed business owners are actively integrating into their business practices. We have a dedicated Open Business School to impart the “how-to” for bringin in this integration because it take time and efforts, and a lot of guidance.

  1. मन्तव्य ग्राहकों के लिए सेवाभाव, अपनत्व और सम्मान का हो
  2. जब आवश्यक हो ग्राहकों को शिक्षित और संरक्षित करना
  3. भ्रष्टाचार और अनावश्यक हिंसा के लिए स्वीकार्यता नहीं
  4. धन-पूँजी की समझ और उद्यमिता की समझ सामानांतर चलते हैं
  5. उद्यमिता प्रत्यक्ष-अप्रत्यक्ष रूप से समाज-प्रकृति का पोषण- संवर्धन करे
  6. विस्तार, गुणवत्ता और सहयोग; किन्तु अनावश्यक आक्रामकता नहीं
  7. नेतृत्व की निरंतरता हेतु उद्यमी परिवार उपनिषद् की पद्धति में रहें
  8. वैभव और समृद्धि, साधना के विषय हैं, भोग के विषय नहीं
  9. प्रत्येक भूमिका में प्रगति हेतु उद्यमिता एक अनिवार्य चारित्रिक गुण है
  10. उद्यमिता क्षेत्रीय सांस्कृतिक-आर्थिक आत्मनिर्भरता हेतु अनिवार्य है
  1. Intent of enterprise to be of service, affinity and respect for customers
  2. Educating and protecting customers when necessary
  3. Non-acceptance for corruption and unnecessary violence
  4. Fair understanding of capital-money and entrepreneurship go hand in hand
  5. Entrepreneurship should directly or indirectly nurture and preserve the society and nature
  6. Scale, quality and collaboration; but not unwarranted aggression
  7. Entrepreneurs’ family should follow the Upanishad method for continuity of leadership
  8. Abundance and prosperity are matters of Sadhana, not of enjoyment
  9. Entrepreneurship is an essential trait for progress in every role
  10. Entrepreneurship is imperative for regional cultural-economic self-reliance